David Douglass Light is an American novelist and screenwriter. In 2008, at the age of 54, after losing his job as a food-industry executive during the Great Recession, Light decided to try mystery writing. His first book, The Outcome (2012), which introduced us to the protagonist, Jane Dreyfus, was a self-published management novel that Jon Eisfeld called “. . . the best sales book I’ve read, by far.” Light’s first non-fiction work, The Art of Sales War (2015), was followed by a sequel to his novel, The Income (2020). A screenplay is in pre-production for the first story in the Jane Dreyfus Trilogy.
About his latest book, David Light says:
"When I was a little kid there was no future. My horizon was mostly what I was going to do the next day. A couple of weeks to build and race my DIY go‑cart down the hill behind our house was as good as my horizon got. Scope and time expanded a little as I grew older. But as it did, the confidence and resilient optimism that comes from a brain undivided succumbed to an attachment to vanity and outcome dependence."
The Certainty Principle is about retraining my brain to be certain.
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